KernelPanic Oggcast

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KernelPanic Oggcast is a work/family friendly show that broadcasts live, fortnightly on Saturday night. Join us as we discuss Linux/FOSS news and reviews.

Another solo ep from 5150. Since we've recently adopted the Linux LUG Cast schedule (to increase participation) we are recording first and third Fridays after LLC. More info at . Don't rely on the countdown to your left. Previous eps:


Tags: linux

Older Episodes

Kernel Panic Oggcast 128: Like a boss, second upload today! I'm joined by NetMiner and Thaj (who knew more about the links than I did, we were lucky to have him join us). Last episode
Kernel Panic Oggcast 127: I have the backlog edited (mostly). Expect new eps to be posted every 1-2 days (except I'll be gone the next2 weekends). We have adopted the schedule for now, next live broadcast is 6 May. By then, the backlog should be posted.
Kernel Panic Oggcast 126: We are back with a new castmember and a really fun show. Please join us for our not so serious take on FOSS news.
The band gets back together after a long hiatus for just a brief convo on the holiday. The previous ep (two were posted the same day), and interview with Chris Waid of, can be found here: Nov. 15, 2015
In this episode, we make guest Chris Waid interview himself (5150 will explain, he wishes he had better excuses for why this ep is eight weeks late being uploaded). Fifty also discusses some changes that will be coming to KPO.
This week. Only 2 days 2 hours (that might be a small porky) 2 minutes and 2 seconds to NetLabel day, hacking medical devices, Air gaps, Beowulf clusters, $300 hack tool steals keys and much much more.
This week the Az Attack is back with Astreya: Book 1. The Voyage South. We also discuss Netlabel day and numerous other topics (that\'s if numerous means a bloody lot)
This week NetMiner joins us to discuss Nintendo not running Android, Fallout, a Wheelchair controlled by eye movements and a PI, Car infotainment units running linux, Philae still in hibernation or is it ??? and much more
Soundie joins us again to talk about Net Label Day, Peggie submits a story and we discuss, Photo Mining, The Nerdalizer, The Oculus rift only being developed for Windows, Mandriva says goodbye but Sourceforge doesn\'t and heaps more.
This week Amazon wants to put it\'s junk in your trunk, NASA creates a Warp Drive ?. HP selling Linux-based laptops but they aren\'t running Susie. CBI got a new specialised forensic lab to decipher and recover data from Linux machines, Should you be worried ? We dont think so.
Join us this week as we discuss 51 news stories in 151 minutes, or maybe it was longer
Join us this week as Soundie and Krayon return to discuss UEFI raising its ugly head again. Siri-us for linux, do we need it ? Nvidias Digits DevBox. Linux Mint, Yahoo leaves China, Google\'s evil-ness and so much more.
Join us this week as we discuss the inaugural Kansas linux fest, Khronos Unveils Vulkan, Valve Releases Steam Machine Details and conducts a massive sale on Linux-based games, We learn how many lines of code the linux kernel really has and much much more
A long show this fortnight to make up for the one we missed. So join us as we talk the GNU/linux, autonomous package deliveries, NSA Barbie, and heaps of other stuff.
This week we hit the motherload as Az and the most Handsome of all the Pirates join us again to discuss comet lovejoy, Entangle, Stellarium, Celestia, Google makes it easier to install linux on the chrome book, Wireless keystroke loggers and heaps heaps more.
Joins us this week as we discuss LNB and, Firefox 4k TV, the NUC (not Nook), The compute stick, how to search in less, the 600 or 500 rule, Imax theatres, curved bloody teles, Marvel V DC and heaps heaps more
Join us this week as Soundie says goodbye, then we discuss Blitzortung, the future of linux, Ubuntu Core and Snappy, ORMR, and much more.
This week Microsoft saves Firefox, The NSA are really good blokes, RaspPi stuff, HP\'s Chromebook Killer, OSMC, and heaps more
Join us this week as we discuss Rosetta and Philae, the clock to end all clocks, Hilton reward points hacked, Microsoft Open Sources .net, Is your Tele watching you and lots more.