An Interview with Paul D. Schrader – “San Bernardino County’s Sheriff in Exile” – #178 Oct. 8, 2013

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itunes pic This episode is an interview with Paul Schrader, titled “San Bernardino County’s Sheriff in Exile” and is being released on Sunday, September 29, 2013. This interview with Paul was recorded Tuesday, September 24, 2013. In 2010 Paul sought the Office of Sheriff in San Bernardino County. Despite being significantly outspent 25 to 1 by the established politician who was appointed as Sheriff in 2009, he placed second in the election (out of three candidates). Paul earned the endorsements of numerous associations, California Chiefs, and other dignitaries. [and I should point out that after the election, the appointed Sheriff, …

This episode is an interview with Paul Schrader, titled “San Bernardino County’s Sheriff in Exile” and is being released on Sunday, September 29, 2013. This interview with Paul was recorded Tuesday, September 24, 2013. In 2010 Paul sought the Office of Sheriff in San Bernardino County. Despite being significantly outspent 25 to 1 by the established politician who was appointed as Sheriff in 2009, he placed second in the election (out of three candidates). Paul earned the endorsements of numerous associations, California Chiefs, and other dignitaries. [and I should point out that after the election, the appointed Sheriff, Hoops, stepped down and appointed another sheriff, John McMahon, in an act of voter fraud to keep Paul out] Paul Schrader has 30 years of experience in city, county and Federal law enforcement. Paul currently works as a Deputy Sheriff Bonus One at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. After graduating from high school, he enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. Paul was sent to San Diego, California for boot camp. After training he was sent to 1st Marines as an infantryman. After 2 years he went to the Military Police and was then assigned to work as an undercover narcotics operative at the Naval Investigative Intelligence Service (NCIS). Paul continued his career for the next 26 years working in city, county and Federal law enforcement. Paul has necessary, hands-on experience by being selected for several important assignments. These assignments have given Paul the skills essential to overseeing a large and active Sheriff’s Department, and in helping to develop trust and cooperation with the community, which Paul considers essential. His law enforcement management skills include jail supervision, Logistics team member, Risk Analysis Team supervision, and Patrol and Legal Unit supervision. Paul has served as an Audit Team supervisor, giving him a clear understanding of how to most effectively use the Sheriff’s Department budget to benefit the community and Deputies. Paul also has excellent community and intra-agency skills. He has served as supervisor in the Film and Media Relations Operations, and was selected to sit on a Merger Team panel to facilitate the merger of two law enforcement agencies. Paul has received several awards in the course of his career, including the Meritorious Service Award, the Chief’s Service Award, and the Unit Commander’s Award. Paul and his wife Judy have 5 homeschooled daughters. NOTES: From the CA state Constitution: Article 7: Public Officers and Employees SEC 5: A temporary appointment may be made to a position for which there is no employment list. No person may serve in one or more positions under temporary appointment longer than 9 months in 12 consecutive months. How long has the unlawful “sheriff” held office? Since 2010!!!! The California Constitution, states that: “Subject to the powers and duties of the Governor, the Attorney General shall be the chief law officer of the State.” Paul will need to sue the governor and attorney general as well, and arrest them if they do not due their “duties” according to the constitution. And this one from the San Bernardino County Charter: “Staff members of elected County officers other than Supervisor, at the level of assistant department head or its equivalent level, shall serve in the Unclassified service at the pleasure of the appointing elected County officer, in that elected officer’s sole discretion. Except for the offices of Sheriff and District Attorney, qualifications for all staff members in the Unclassified service, of elected County officers other than Supervisor, shall be established by the elected County officer and approved by the Board of Supervisors…” (continued)