IBM / Red Hat, Ubuntu & Nvidia, Firefox, Kdenlive, Syncthing, Huawei, Valve | This Week in Linux 74 July 15, 2019

from This Week in Linux (OGG)· ·

[tdpodcast mode=”ytembed” podcast=”thisweekinlinux” episode=”74″] On this episode of This Week in Linux, AMD releases BIOS fix for the Linux booting issue, IBM closes on the landmark acquisition of Red Hat, and Ubuntu announces that Ubuntu LTS users will be getting the latest nvidia drivers much more easily. In App News, Mozilla releases Firefox 68 and […]

[tdpodcast mode="ytembed" podcast="thisweekinlinux" episode="74″]
On this episode of This Week in Linux, AMD releases BIOS fix for the Linux booting issue, IBM closes on the landmark acquisition of Red Hat,
and Ubuntu announces that Ubuntu LTS users will be getting the latest nvidia drivers much more easily. In App News, Mozilla releases Firefox 68 and Mozilla responds to some weird news around an organization calling them an "Internet Villain". Also in App News, we'll take a look at some news regarding GNOME Software possibly dropping support for Snaps, and new releases from Syncthing (Dropbox replacement) & Kdenlive (video editor). Later in the show we'll check out some Hardware News for the new Pi-top 4 and do some follow ups on topics we discussed in previous episodes including one topic where I need to make a correction to a mistake I made regarding IDE in the 5.2 Linux kernel. Then we'll round out the show with some Linux Gaming news! All that and much more on Your Weekly Source for Linux GNews!

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