Tuesday, September 13, 2022 Sept. 13, 2022

from The Briefing - AlbertMohler.com· ·

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview. Part I (00:13 - 09:51) Is Belief in the Humanity of the Fetus Just “Medieval Superstition?” We Must Confront the Denial of Fetal Personhood and Recognize the Fervor to Deny Personhood as a Denial of All Human Dignity * ‘Fetal Personhood’ Has a Whiff of Medieval Theology by LA Times (Margaret Wertheim) * Is a Fetus a ‘Person’? A Fringe Idea Could Be the Next Post-Roe v. Wade Chapter by Miami Herald (The Editorial Board) Part II (09:51 - 19:58) ‘For You Formed My Inward …

This is The Briefing, a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview.

Part I (00:13 - 09:51)
Is Belief in the Humanity of the Fetus Just “Medieval Superstition?” We Must Confront the Denial of Fetal Personhood and Recognize the Fervor to Deny Personhood as a Denial of All Human Dignity

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