Productivity: an early warning sign? Aug. 30, 2022

from Marketplace All-in-One· ·

American workers are becoming less productive, which means we're producing fewer widgets per hour worked. The data shows there's been drops in productivity for two back-to-back quarters. But the recent slowdown isn't anything new. While productivity did spike momentarily last year, it's actually been slowing for more than a decade. On the show today, we get smart about the productivity slowdown, how the "quiet quitting" phenomenon factors into this trend and what it all means for our economy. Later, the Federal Reserve is manifesting lower inflation, and the markets are finally getting with the program. A birth control pill …

American workers are becoming less productive, which means we're producing fewer widgets per hour worked. The data shows there's been drops in productivity for two back-to-back quarters. But the recent slowdown isn't anything new. While productivity did spike momentarily last year, it's actually been slowing for more than a decade.

On the show today, we get smart about the productivity slowdown, how the "quiet quitting" phenomenon factors into this trend and what it all means for our economy.

Later, the Federal Reserve is manifesting lower inflation, and the markets are finally getting with the program. A birth control pill for men is in the works, plus could our electric car future mean range anxiety for gas car drivers? And, an answer to the Make Me Smart question that got us all a bit misty-eyed.

Here's everything we talked about today:

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