
by Will Backman · · · · 674 subscribers

Talking about the BSD family of free operating systems.

We became tired of waiting. File Info: 7Min, 3MB. Ogg Link:


Tags: openbsd, technology/tech news, operating, systems, freebsd, bsd, tech news, netbsd, technology, unix, open source, programieren, bsdtalk, programming, english

Older Episodes

A brief description of playing around with SunOS 4.1.4, which was the last version of SunOS to be based on BSD. File Info: 17Min, 8Mb Ogg Link:
Playing around with the gopher protocol. Description of gopher from the 1995 book "Student's Guide to the Internet" by David Clark. Also, at the end of the episode is audio from an interview with Mark McCahilll and Farhad Anklesaria that can b
This episode is brought to you by ftp, the Internet file transfer program, which first appeared in 4.2BSD. An interview with the hosts of the Garbage Podcast, joshua stein and Brandon Mercer. You can find their podcast at File Info: 17M
An interview with Tex Andrews from LightZone is open source digital darkroom software. File Info: 23Min, 11MB. Ogg Link:
An interview with Kris Moore about the Warden jail management system, iocage, and progress on a new system management API. File Info: 30Min, 14MB. Ogg Link:
Can you believe that it has been a decade of BSDTalk? The first episode aired on Dec 20, 2005. An interview with Robert N. M. Watson and George V. Neville- Neil about teaching operating systems with tracing and File Info: 36Min, 18Mb. O
A recording from vBSDCon 2015 of the talk titled "Supporting a BSD Project" with Ed Maste and George Neville-Neil. File Info: 65Min, 31MB. Ogg Link:
Oct 2015 is the 20th anniversary of the OpenBSD source tree! This episode is brought to you by the id utility, which returns the user identity. id appeared in 4.4 BSD. An interview from vBSDCon 2015 with Chris Henschen from fP Technologies. Th
An interview with NetBSD developer Christos Zoulas at vBSDCon 2015. File Info: 15Min, 7MB. Ogg Link:
bsdtalk256 - Allan Jude Sept. 17, 2015
An interview with Allan Jude at vBSDCon in Reston, Virginia. We talk about the book FreeBSD Mastery: ZFS that Michael W. Lucas and he co-authored. You can find more information about the book at File Info: 16Min, 8MB. Ogg Link:
My apologies for not having any recent interviews. More to come when I attend vBSDCon. School firewalls switched over to PFSense. Urging calm discussions around NextBSD. File Info: 6Min, 3MB. Ogg Link:
An interview with Ken Worster who is presenting on topics which include PFSense and FreeNAS in schools at the Technology Teacher ME conference in Bethel Maine. File info: 14min, 6MB Ogg Link:
An interview with George Neville-Neil about the recently published 2nd edition of The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System. File Info: 30Min, 15MB Ogg Link:
This episode has been brought to you by jot, the utility for printing sequential or random data. Jot first appeared in 4.2 BSD. An interview with admin Brian Callahan. is a free shell provider that runs on OpenBSD. Fil
A talk from vBSDCon in 2013 titled Verisign and FreeBSD: Internet Scale Services at 10 Gigabits per Server presented by Mike Bentkofsky, Marc de la Gueronniere, Julien Charbon File info: 47Min, 22MB Ogg link:
A recording from a MeetBSD California 2014 talk titled "WhatsApp: Half a billion unsuspecting FreeBSD users" by Rick Reed. File Info: 56 Min, 27MB. Ogg Link:
A Netflix Update with Scott Long at MeetBSD California 2014. File Info: 11Min, 5MB. Ogg Link:
An interview with Matthew Dillon about the upcoming 4.0 release of DragonFly BSD. File Info: 43Min, 20MB. Ogg Link:
A recording from MeetBSD 2014 in California. A talk by Jordan Hubbard titled "FreeBSD: The Next 10 Years." File Info: 39Min, 18MB. Ogg Link: