Moon missions and space junk Dec. 28, 2021

from Business Daily· ·

2021 was another year of firsts in the ever-expanding industry around space, as we moved towards space tourism as a reality. But what about NASA, and its plans to return to the moon? We hear all about it, and the space agency’s ambitious plans for not just the moon, but mars; from NASA’s Carlos Garcia- Galan. We also hear about the increasingly urgent issue of space junk, which is causing serious safety issues in orbit. University of Texas at Austin professor, and chief scientific officer at Privateer, Moriba Jah explains. Plus Katie Miller from Skyrora tells us about the company’s …

2021 was another year of firsts in the ever-expanding industry around space, as we moved towards space tourism as a reality. But what about NASA, and its plans to return to the moon? We hear all about it, and the space agency’s ambitious plans for not just the moon, but mars; from NASA’s Carlos Garcia- Galan. We also hear about the increasingly urgent issue of space junk, which is causing serious safety issues in orbit. University of Texas at Austin professor, and chief scientific officer at Privateer, Moriba Jah explains. Plus Katie Miller from Skyrora tells us about the company’s space tug; a nifty idea to clean up unwanted objects in space. Presenter Jane Wakefield Producer Sarah Treanor (Picture: Earth from space, Credit: Getty Images).