FLOSS Weekly 693: Open Source Analytics With Scarf - Avi Press, Scarf and Open Source Insights Aug. 10, 2022

from FLOSS Weekly (Audio)· ·

Avi Press, CEO of Scarf, gives good answers to hard questions from Doc Searls and Jonathan Bennett about how to run analytics and gain insights on open source software use in privacy-respecting ways. Hosts: Doc Searls and Jonathan Bennett Guest: Avi Press Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly Think your open source project should be on FLOSS Weekly? Email floss@twit.tv. Thanks to Lullabot's Jeff Robbins, web designer and musician, for our theme music. Get episodes ad-free with Club TWiT at https://twit.tv/clubtwit Sponsors: * IRL Podcast * newrelic.com/FLOSS * kolide.com/floss

Avi Press, CEO of Scarf, gives good answers to hard questions from Doc Searls and Jonathan Bennett about how to run analytics and gain insights on open source software use in privacy-respecting ways.

Hosts: Doc Searls and Jonathan Bennett

Guest: Avi Press

Download or subscribe to this show at https://twit.tv/shows/floss-weekly

Think your open source project should be on FLOSS Weekly? Email floss@twit.tv.

Thanks to Lullabot's Jeff Robbins, web designer and musician, for our theme music.

Get episodes ad-free with Club TWiT at https://twit.tv/clubtwit
