A Conversation with Freeman Burt, Dr. Tom, and John - "Corporate Abortion" - #179 Oct. 8, 2013

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itunes pic This episode is a conversation with Freeman Burt, Dr. Tom, and John K. titled “Corporate Abortion” and is being released on Monday, October 7, 2013. This conversation was recorded Thursday, October 03, 2013. IMPORTANT POINTS ABOUT WHAT A CITIZEN is 1 WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE CONSTITUTION 2 1. A corporation has no standing in a court against one of the people due to the 3 following undeniable facts: 4 A. All corporations are property. 5 a. A corporation is property and therefore cannot be a Citizen within the meaning of the 6 Constitution as explained in detail …

This episode is a conversation with Freeman Burt, Dr. Tom, and John K. titled “Corporate Abortion” and is being released on Monday, October 7, 2013. This conversation was recorded Thursday, October 03, 2013. IMPORTANT POINTS ABOUT WHAT A CITIZEN is 1 WITHIN THE MEANING OF THE CONSTITUTION 2 1. A corporation has no standing in a court against one of the people due to the 3 following undeniable facts: 4 A. All corporations are property. 5 a. A corporation is property and therefore cannot be a Citizen within the meaning of the 6 Constitution as explained in detail within the opinions of the United States Supreme 7 Justices in the case U.S. Supreme Court-Scott v. Sandford, 60 U.S. 19 How. 393 8 393 (1856). 9 b. People have no standing in any forum/court against property . 10 c. People cannot be coerced to stand in any court against property or be coerced to 11 prosecute property in court. 12 d. People cannot be coerced to stand in any forum/court on the same level as property. 13 e. A corporation cannot submit a testimony and cannot be questioned. 14 f. A corporation does not meet the limitations of 15 Article III Section 2 of the Constitution for the United States due to the 16 undeniable fact that a corporation is property which cannot stand in any court as a 17 Citizen of the United States within the meaning of the Constitution for the United 18 States of America. 19 g. A corporation does not meet the limitations of 20 AMENDMENT XIV Passed by Congress June 13, 1866. Ratified July 9, 1868. 21 It is an undeniable fact that a corporation is neither born nor naturalized in the United 22 States unless being born means being created on paper by men and such meaning is 23 embraced by the courts. 24 It is an undeniable fact that corporations are not freed slaves upon which the 25 citizenship created by the 14th Amendment can be vested on unless the courts are now 26 accepting corporations as freed slaves. 27 h. It is an undeniable fact that the meaning of a Citizen within the meaning of the 28 Constitution can only be changed by Amending the Constitution and if this was done, 29 the United States of America would cease to exist. Donations. This episode is brought to you by: Jenaya Tad Paul Max Luis Oscar Michael Steven David Eric Thomas John Joseph M&A; Crystal Aaron Ivo Burt's Website: www.onlyfreemen.com Dr. Tom's website: http://www.boundaries-for-effective-ministry.org/ And regarding Sheriff Paul Schrader, please see last week's episode: Regarding the sheriff as the supreme law of the land, see episode #168: http://www.gnosticmedia.com/an-interview- with-freeman-burt-why-your-sheriff-is-the-supreme-law-of-the-land-and-your- baby-is-an-adult-under-the-law-168/ Regarding Highwaymen, please see episode

172: The Highwaymen This episode at Gnostic Media:
