An Interview with Dr. Tom, Pt, 2 - “Marriage vs. Matrimony” - #177 Sept. 21, 2013

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itunes pic This episode is an interview with Dr. Tom, titled “Marriage vs. Matrimony” and is being released on Friday, September 20, 2013. This interview with Tom was recorded Friday, September 13, 2013. Dr. Tom is a psychologist by training. He worked extensively with the moral boundary problems of ministers and also with the contradictory interface between God’s natural law (the Ten Commandments) and politicians’ corporate and commercial codes; which are arbitrary statutes, some of which silence churches from assessing the morals of political candidates and public figures (e.g. 26 USC 501c3). Dr. Tom from www Donations. This …

This episode is an interview with Dr. Tom, titled “Marriage vs. Matrimony” and is being released on Friday, September 20, 2013. This interview with Tom was recorded Friday, September 13, 2013. Dr. Tom is a psychologist by training. He worked extensively with the moral boundary problems of ministers and also with the contradictory interface between God’s natural law (the Ten Commandments) and politicians’ corporate and commercial codes; which are arbitrary statutes, some of which silence churches from assessing the morals of political candidates and public figures (e.g. 26 USC 501c3). Dr. Tom from www Donations. This episode is brought to you by: Emile Jeremy Scott Mary Philip Tino Brandon Michael Sam Peter Mirco Carlos Louis Silas Eric