Archive: #016 - No Bushit! - An interview with Dr. John Loftus Feb. 2, 2009

from Logos Media Podcast - feed 2· ·

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ARCHIVE: This episode older than one year and is archived and available for $3 on the Premium page to help cover server costs. Thank you for understanding. In this episode I break all of the rules. It is not (directly) about religion, entheogens, ancient mysteries or shamanism. But it is about the expansion of our (collective) consciousness. First I interview Dr. John Loftus, J.D., the former top US Justice Dept Prosecutor under the Carter and Reagan administrations about the history of Bush family crimes such as the funding the Nazis, as well as the …

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ARCHIVE: This episode older than one year and is archived and available for $3 on the Premium page to help cover server costs. Thank you for understanding.

In this episode I break all of the rules. It is not (directly) about religion, entheogens, ancient mysteries or shamanism. But it is about the expansion of our (collective) consciousness.

First I interview Dr. John Loftus, J.D., the former top US Justice Dept Prosecutor under the Carter and Reagan administrations about the history of Bush family crimes such as the funding the Nazis, as well as the US involvement in the creation of Al-Qaeda.

Next I read an article I wrote back in 1997 - The True Definitions of Liberal, Leftist and Conserviative. The word is one of the most misused in the English lexicon, and since it repeatedly comes up, why not address it?

Then we’ll hear from Prof. Michel Chossudovsky on the Israeli invasion of Gaza. And then the audio from the documentary film The War Crimes of Henry Kissenger.

And finally we'll hear from Harold Pinter from his 2005 acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize. Pinter died on Christmas eve, 2008.