Brendan Fischer Interview – “ALEC Exposed” – #147 Aug. 1, 2012

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itunes pic This episode is an interview with Brendan Fischer, of The Center for Media and Democracy, PR Watch, and ALEC Exposed, titled “ALEC Exposed” and is being released on Tuesday, July 31, 2012. My interview with Brendan was recorded on Monday, July 23, 2012. Brendan M. Fischer is Staff Counsel with the Center for Media and Democracy and graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin Law School in December 2011. Prior to law school, Brendan served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in a rural community in Northeastern El Salvador. Links: PR Watch: ALEC Exposed:

This episode is an interview with Brendan Fischer, of The Center for Media and Democracy, PR Watch, and ALEC Exposed, titled “ALEC Exposed” and is being released on Tuesday, July 31, 2012. My interview with Brendan was recorded on Monday, July 23, 2012. Brendan M. Fischer is Staff Counsel with the Center for Media and Democracy and graduated with honors from the University of Wisconsin Law School in December 2011. Prior to law school, Brendan served as a Peace Corps Volunteer in a rural community in Northeastern El Salvador. Links: PR Watch: ALEC Exposed: Topics discussed in this interview: Clint Richardson’s work on the CAFR, or Comprehensive Annual Financial Report information: his blog The Corporation Nation series - his videos You may also hear 4 of his interviews with me exposing this information on my site. Just search Clint Richardson. The most recent interview was last week and is on the front page: interview-pt-4-cafr-welcome-to-the-machine-145/ Agenda 21 is key to understand how ALEC connects to other operations in progress. Below are two key videos that delve into the issue from both perspectives: Agenda 21– explained by John Anthony: Banker Joan Veon (now dead) explains the Agenda 21 connections: =QRwdP-Q2Zok Larken Rose’s If You Were King: Appeal to Popularity fallacy: And not discussed, though important for tying the dots, my interview with George Hunt on UNCED. the-elite-and-the-environmental-movement-135/ - I’ve removed George’s interview from the archives and made it available for this interview. Link to this interview on the Gnostic Media website: /brendan-fischer-interview-alec-exposed-147/