David Harriman interview, pt. 1 – “The Philosophic Corruption of Physics and The Logical Leap” – #111 March 22, 2012

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itunes pic This episode is an interview with David Harriman, part 1 “The Philosophic Corruption of Physics and The Logical Leap” and is being released on Monday, May 2, 2011. My interview with David was recorded on May 01, 2011. David Harriman earned his Master’s degree in physics from University of Maryland, and his Master’s in philosophy from Claremont Graduate University. He has worked as an applied physicist and he is editor of Journals of Ayn Rand. His book, The Logical Leap: Induction in Physics, presents Leonard Peikoff’s theory of induction as it applies to the physical sciences. Recently, …

This episode is an interview with David Harriman, part 1 “The Philosophic Corruption of Physics and The Logical Leap” and is being released on Monday, May 2, 2011. My interview with David was recorded on May 01, 2011. David Harriman earned his Master’s degree in physics from University of Maryland, and his Master’s in philosophy from Claremont Graduate University. He has worked as an applied physicist and he is editor of Journals of Ayn Rand. His book, The Logical Leap: Induction in Physics, presents Leonard Peikoff’s theory of induction as it applies to the physical sciences. Recently, he has co-founded Falling Apple Science Institute (with Tom VanDamme), a nonprofit that is developing a unique science curriculum based on the inductive method. Falling Apple Science Institute http://www.fallingapple.org The Philosophic Corruption of Physics: http://www.aynrandbookstore2.com/prodinfo.asp?number=CH54M Link to this episode on Gnostic Media: http://www.gnosticmedia.com/david-harriman- interview-the-philosophic-corruption-of-physics-and-the-logical-leap-111/