Larken Rose interview, pt. 2 – “Government – The Fallacy of Ad Verecundiam, pt. 1″ – #136 March 10, 2012

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itunes pic This episode is an interview with Larken Rose, pt 2 titled “Government - The Fallacy of Ad Verecundiam, pt. 1” and is being released on Monday, February 6, 2012. My interview with Larken was recorded on Saturday, February 4, 2012. Larken has been here once before: last June, and he’s back again as we delve deeper into this most important, and yet most misunderstood topic. What does it mean to have a leader, or government? Does government protect our freedoms, or are they the very cause of our enslavement? And what does it mean to vote? Does voting …

This episode is an interview with Larken Rose, pt 2 titled “Government - The Fallacy of Ad Verecundiam, pt. 1” and is being released on Monday, February 6, 2012. My interview with Larken was recorded on Saturday, February 4, 2012. Larken has been here once before: last June, and he’s back again as we delve deeper into this most important, and yet most misunderstood topic. What does it mean to have a leader, or government? Does government protect our freedoms, or are they the very cause of our enslavement? And what does it mean to vote? Does voting give us freedoms that we otherwise might not have? What if the idea of government was nothing but a religious myth, created by criminals and followed by billions of mindless zombie zealots the world over - just as any other dogma? What would happen if one day, just all of a sudden, everyone stopped believing in government? Today we’ll be discussing what it means to believe in government. Is government real, or a figment of your collective, religious imagination? Does not voting mean that we’d be sitting around like a bunch of lazy couch potatoes doing nothing? Or, if we use critical thinking, is it really our first course of action to disempower the criminals whom we call politicians? Is voting the only way to effect change? Or is it in reality one of the least effective ways to effect change and gain freedom? And what does it mean to live in a democratic (or “mob-ruled”) society, anyway? Today we question some of our most firmly held governmental religious myths as we continue this investigation on the myth of government, exposing government as the fallacy of “ad verecundiam”. It is time to grow up. The time is now to stop having mommy and daddy government tell us what we want, and what we can or can’t do, say, eat, or what drugs we can take. Today we begin acting as adults, making our own decisions – rejecting the fallacy of appeal to authority, or ad verecundiam. Larken Rose is a self-described “enemy of the state” and “tax heretic.” The author of several books–two of which were written during his one-year stay as a political prisoner in the U.S. prison system–Mr. Rose is an outspoken advocate of self-ownership and a voluntary society. For more information, see Link to this episode on Gnostic Media: pt-2-government-the-fallacy-of-ad-verecundiam-pt-1-136/