Prof. Jay Fikes, Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin - "A Conversation about Mind Control" - #155 Dec. 8, 2012

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itunes pic This episode is with Prof. Jay Courtney Fikes and Joe Atwill, titled “A Conversation About Mind Control” and is being released on Friday, Dec 07, 2012. This conversation with Joe and Jay was was recorded on November 05, 2012. Joseph Atwill has been on 3 times before today, and Prof. Jay Fikes has been on once before. You may hear the previous episodes with Joe Atill, which are numbers 141, 148 and 152: - April #141 - August #148 - September #152 My previous interview with Jay Courtney Fikes is episode #118. …

This episode is with Prof. Jay Courtney Fikes and Joe Atwill, titled “A Conversation About Mind Control” and is being released on Friday, Dec 07, 2012. This conversation with Joe and Jay was was recorded on November 05, 2012. Joseph Atwill has been on 3 times before today, and Prof. Jay Fikes has been on once before. You may hear the previous episodes with Joe Atill, which are numbers 141, 148 and 152: - April #141 - August #148 allegro-and-mind-control-148/ - September #152 /joe-atwill-fritz-heede-and-nijole-sparkis-titled-a-round-table-discussion-on- caesars-messiah-and-more-152/ My previous interview with Jay Courtney Fikes is episode #118. huichol-peyote-and-the-carlos-castaneda-deception-118/ This is our third video episode, so if you’re getting this in audio only, please go to the Gnostic Media website if you’d like to see the video version. My apologies for the long delay in getting this episode out, we’ve been dealing with a lot of other issues, including the flu, which I’m just now getting over. We also had a serious learning curve to get this video the way we wanted it, and obviously there’s a lot more to learn. Please excuse the lighting as it wasn’t optimal and I couldn’t get Jay and Joe to change seats. There are a few other minor glitches that we’re learning to deal with as we progress and learn. Joseph Atwill’s been on 3 times previous to this, and so he should be familiar to most of you. If he’s not, please hear his long introduction from one of his other interviews, as it’s too long to recap here, and he’s a familiar face. No offense, Joe. -- After completing his doctorate in anthropology at the University of Michigan in 1985, Jay Fikes taught in several universities and wrote the biography of Reuben Snake (a Native American activist and spiritual leader) while lobbying to pass national legislation to protect the religious freedom of peyotists–some 300,000 members of the Native American Church. Since 1999 he has been a Professor of Social Anthropology at Yeditepe University in Istanbul, Turkey. In his latest book, Unknown Huichol: Shamans and Immortals, Allies against Chaos, Jay Fikes summarizes what he learned from four Huichol shamans during 34 years of ethnographic research, including participation in peyote rituals and making pilgrimages to contact their gods. He is now translating Huichol myths and songs recited in various rituals, preparing a biography of Jesús González (a shaman from Tuxpan) and writing a sequel to his expose; Carlos Castaneda, Academic Opportunism and the Psychedelic Sixties. We’ve got new Gnostic Media book marks that have the fallacies on the back of them for each book order. We also plan to sell those individually to those interested. We’ll also be getting the first 4 years, rather than the first 3 years DVD out soon. My apologies for the delay on getting these items finished. Furthermore, we have a new joint project that Joe and Jay and I are working on and we may as well use this episode to introduce the new project, and though it’s not fully up and running yet, you’re more than welcome to see what we’ve got going thus far. The new project is located at You’ll find a couple of my articles that you may have already seen up there, and you’ll find a brand new article by Joe up there, and much more to come, including this episode on mind control. Download the video version of this episode - 1.4GB Go to this episode at Gnostic Media: