Will Durant – “The Story of Philosophy – Plato” Oct. 3, 2012

from Logos Media Podcast - feed 2· ·

itunes pic This is the audio version of Chapter 01 from Will Durants Story of Philosophy - Plato. Understanding Plato is essential to understanding current social programs, eugenics, vegetarianism, and how they operate and how they're geared toward an elitist utopia. WillDurant.com http://www.amazon.com /The-Story-Philosophy-Opinions- Philosophers/dp/0671739166 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Durant

This is the audio version of Chapter 01 from Will Durants Story of Philosophy - Plato. Understanding Plato is essential to understanding current social programs, eugenics, vegetarianism, and how they operate and how they're geared toward an elitist utopia. WillDurant.com http://www.amazon.com/The-Story- Philosophy-Opinions-Philosophers/dp/0671739166 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Will_Durant