Episode 56: The Age of the Moderator Feb. 5, 2021

from Reality 2.0· ·

Katherine Druckman, Doc Searls and Petros Koutoupis talk Twitter's new Birdwatch experiment, Signal's resistance to moderation, and Redditors' impact on the stock market. Show notes: [02:06]: (https://www.reality2cast.com/56?t=130) Twitter outsourcing content moderation with expirimental Birdwatch feature. [13:32]: (https://www.reality2cast.com/56?t=815) Signal's founder has pushed back against internal efforts to have some sort of mechanism to prevent misuse of the platform. [26:25]: (https://www.reality2cast.com/56?t=1585) Redditors take on hedge funds and the stock market with Game Stop and others. Robinhood and Discord respond. Subscribe to our newsletter. (https://reality2cast.com/newsletter) Reality 2.0 around the web: Site/Blog/Newsletter (https://www.reality2cast.com) FaceBook (https://www.facebook.com/reality2cast) Twitter (https://twitter.com/reality2cast) YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdvdT3quikpi9sd5SxTGk3Q) Mastodon (https://linuxrocks.online/@reality2cast) Special Guest: Petros …

Katherine Druckman, Doc Searls and Petros Koutoupis talk Twitter's new Birdwatch experiment, Signal's resistance to moderation, and Redditors' impact on the stock market.

Show notes:

moderation with expirimental Birdwatch feature.

back against internal efforts to have some sort of mechanism to prevent misuse of the platform.

funds and the stock market with Game Stop and others. Robinhood and Discord respond.

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Special Guest: Petros Koutoupis.

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