MP3 - 1 hour 46 minutes 19 seconds, 48.7 MB, Ogg Vorbis version here.
This week on Linux Outlaws: New Zealand learns a lesson from the Cardassians, Oracle drops OpenOffice, Red Hat guy invents a new language, new Humble Bundle appears and Fab reviews Gnome 3.
If you have any feedback on the show, please leave it in the forums — preferably in the thread for this episode.
Linux Outlaws is brought to you by Sixgun Productions.
0:02:29 Introduction
- We’ll have an interview with Allison Randal on Project Harmony coming up soon
- Jez Hero Shot
- Tickets for OggCamp 11 have already “sold out” — we are working on it
- Fab will be on TLLTS on the 27th
- Fab is now running Arch Linux
0:13:36 Releases, Security & News
- Development Release: Fedora 15 Beta
- Incognito Live System 0.7
- Parted Magic 6.0
- nginx 1.0
- Fedora 16 release name chosen
- Mozilla announces “Aurora”
- New Humble Indie Bundle
- Flock browser discontinued
- New Zealand adopts Cardassian justice for P2P offenders
- Kindle now available for $114 with on-screen ads
- DRM run amok: how Bioware and EA are screwing users right now
- Hotz donates $10,000 to EFF and mocks Sony
- Stefano Zacchiroli remains DPL
- Google: Android is both open and closed at the same time
- Red Hat engineer releases new Java-like language
- Oracle abandons commercial aspirations for OpenOffice
0:50:01 Review: Gnome 3
Fab reviews Gnome 3 on his Fedora 15 box.
1:24:31 Feedback
Donations: Thanks to Armin Krauss, MQL Jones, Neil Viglieno, Duncan Michael Bell, Park Noun, Brian O’Donovan, Hermanni Saresma and everyone who flattr’ed us!
- Richard Merren writes is response to our discussion of the Amazon app store
- We had some nice emails about reaching 200 episodes from Drasticheadcase, Dann Washko (of TLLTS), Rick from the Green Mountain Network, William Devins, Ted Streit, Ken Fallon (from HPR) and Brian O’Donovan
- Tony Freeman sent an audio clip from Red Dwarf which both Dan and Fab love
- Robert Main wrote to tell us about CodeIgniter which is a PHP framework he’s discovered
- George Tripp has written a Python utility to split up MP3s into chunks
- Rich Brown sent this piece of genius: Beardheads
- Bob Konior says Google should hire Geohot — they definitely should…
We had other emails from Jordan Lee, Neal McLaren, Xavier Sythe, Brad Floyd, John Bristol, Gerrit Renker, Spencer Dupre, Noel O’Boyle, Farhad, Robert S. and Jody Kaplon.
Song: Sweet Sister Starlight by Fit & The Conniptions from the album of the same name
The theme music for this podcast is a song called “Sudo Modprobe”, it was written by Fab and produced and performed by Dan and Fab. The artwork for the album cover and the site including the Outlaw Tux was created by Fab. All material in this podcast is released under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license, except the music at the end of the show which is always licensed under the Creative Commons license specified by the artist under the provided link.