The Jimmy Dore Show

by Jimmy Dore · · · · 23 subscribers

Hosted by award winning comedian Jimmy Dore, This is an irreverent and humorous take on todays headlines and hypocrites. This program skewers politicians as well as the corporate mouthpieces which are todays main stream "news media". Interviews with todays top comedians and comedy writers, and gets their take on all things newsy. It is a show that provides the unvarnished truth with a twist of funny.

Nancy Pelosi Melt Down! Oct. 15, 2020
Dealing with Obama's Legacy! Pelosi Deflects Criticism by Accusing Sexism! Jimmy's message to Trump on Tucker Carlson's show! Phone calls from Patrick Stewart, Joe Biden, Mitt Romney, and Chuck Schumer! Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! ...
The reason Half of America doesn't Vote! Biden won't listen to the Scientists! Trump wants to lose! Propaganda network against Syria exposed! Phone calls from Al Pacino, Liam Neeson, Chris Christie, and Herman Cain! Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike...
Trump's Taxes expose System that Must be DISMANTLED! UNBELIEVABLE Nancy Pelosi Interview Proves Two-Party Political Theater! Phone calls from Brad Pitt! Barrack Obama! Chuck Schumer! Joe Biden! Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae!
Park Avenue Lives Matter! Spineless Democrats won't fight for the Supreme Court! New York Times hit piece on the Green Party! Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! Phone calls from Liam Neeson, Vladimir Putin, Bernie Sanders, and Al Pacino!
Democrats' Performative Political Theater will doom us all! Biden says he will Increase the Military Budget! New York Times' Paul Kurgman is Delusional! Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae! Phone calls from investigative journalist Bob Woodward,...
War Mongers Against TRUMP! OBAMA Strikes Again! The Man Who Poisoned Flint Michigan endorses BIDEN! Phone calls from Al Pacino, Joe Biden, Chris Christie, and Bernie Sanders! Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae!
Biden polling below Trump in Michigan! Pelosi tells Biden NOT to Debate Trump! Jimmy discovers the Meaning Of Life! Phone calls from Bernie Sanders, George Clooney, Vladimir Putin, and Herman Cain!
Ice Cube understands politics! Demand Something For Your Vote! Out-Of-Touch Hollywood "Blue Checks"! Phone calls from Mike Pompeo, Barrack Obama, Herman Cain, and Joe Biden! Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae!
DNC Convention Craziness! War Hawks endorse Biden! Kamala Harris Shifts On Medicare For All! Dems still Russia-Gating As Excuse For Losing!
Epstein, Clinton, Trump - It's A Big Club & We Ain't In It! George Carlin bastardized for partisan propaganda! Trump trying to outflank Biden with Executive Orders? Phone calls from George Clooney, Chuck Schumer, Jeb Bush, and Joe Biden! Featuring...
DNC Corruption Exposed by Bernie Sanders representative Brent Welder! America's Unemployment Crisis is getting worse and Congress goes home! Phone calls from Herman Cain, Mitt Romney, Chuck Schumer, and Liam Neeson! Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike...
DNC blocks Medicare For All on Democratic Party platform! Bernie delegates revolt but Bernie does nothing! Phone calls from Vince Vaughn, Joe Biden, George Clooney, and Bernie Sanders! Featuring Stef Zamorano, Paul Kozlowski, and Mike MacRae!
Joe Kennedy votes for nukes and says "Oops"! New York Times "Russian Bounties on U.S. Troops" story collapses! Phone calls from Mike Pompeo, Chuck Schumer, Barrack Obama, and Joe Biden! Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae!
Democrats prevent Trump from withdrawing troops in Afghanistan! Nancy Pelosi's corrupt bailout for husband's business! Disabled Veteran Living A Nightmare Created by Joe Biden! Phone calls from Jeff Sessions, Mitt Romney, Harrison Ford, and Bernie...
Jimmy is back from vacation! U.S. vs. China -- a new cold war? Creepy Joe Biden says child gave him "permission to touch him"! Obama official says Medicare For All will never happen! Featuring Stef Zamorano, Dylan Ratigan, Danny Haiphong, Paul...
How Governments End! July 2, 2020
Special extended interviews: Chris Hedges, Pulitzer award winning journalist! Maxim Baru, labor organizer, Industrial Workers Of The World! Phone calls from Kevin Spacey, Al Pacino, and Vladimir Putin! Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae!
Dr. Fauci is a Liar! June 25, 2020
Trump retweets crazy Lefty! Dr. Fauci admits he lied about mask safety! Tulsa cops arrest peaceful protesters at Trump rally! Phone calls from Vince Vaughn, Bernie Sanders, Harrison Ford, David Lee Roth, and Pete Buttigieg! Featuring Stef Zamorano,...
Snowflake Cops! June 18, 2020
Cop weeps about waiting for fast food! Google targets news outlets! Phone calls from Hillary Supporter, Chuck Schumer, Chris Christie, and Joe Biden! Featuring Stef Zamorano and Mike MacRae!
Housing Apocalypse coming soon! Government gives billionaires more money that could pay for Medicare For All!
Protests produce Results! Is the fear over Coronavirus over? Second wave coming?