One of us has been vacationing in France. Alan went to Akademy and explains what went on. We've got some Webby love and go over all your feedback.
It's Season 11 Episode 24 of the Ubuntu Podcast! Alan Pope, Mark Johnson and Martin Wimpress are connected and speaking to your brain.
In this week's show:
- We discuss what we've been up to recently:
Alan attended Akademy and we find out what went on.
We share a Webby Lurve:
- Scheduled blacklist for social media and other websites
- And we go over all your amazing feedback - thanks for sending it - please keep sending it!
- Image credit: Alina Grubnyak
That's all for this week! You can listen to the Ubuntu Podcast back catalogue on YouTube. If there's a topic you'd like us to discuss, or you have any feedback on previous shows, please send your comments and suggestions to or Tweet us or Comment on our Facebook page or comment on our Google+ page or comment on our sub-Reddit.
- Join us in the Ubuntu Podcast Telegram group.