Johannes Burla 1922-2014. Works from the Estate / Hebel_121 Art Space Basel Jan. 14, 2018

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The current exhibition at Hebel_121 art space in Basel, Switzerland, features works from the estate of Johannes Burla (1922-2014). Johannes ...

The current exhibition at Hebel_121 art space in Basel, Switzerland, features works from the estate of Johannes Burla (1922-2014). Johannes Burla was born in Leipzig, Germany in 1922. From 1942 to 1946 he studied at the Kunstgewerbeschule (School of Applied Arts) in Basel. Following his studies, he worked as a stonemason and sculpture until 1956. He then became professor at the Kunstgewerbeschule. In addition to his teaching work, he created works for architects, took on public commissions and exhibited in Basel and Zurich.

In 1956 he participated in the Venice Art Biennale. In 1991, he won the competition and executed a commemorative gold coin for the 700th anniversary of the Swiss Confederation. His career took place mainly in Switzerland. Burla has produced a number of works for public places, whether commissioned or in collaboration with architects. He has also carried out interior improvements, including the entrance hall of the library of the University of Basel.

Johannes Burla 1922-2014. Works from the Estate. Solo exhibition at Hebel_121 Art Space in Basel, Switzerland. Opening, January 6, 2018.

Hebel121 is an art space, where artists have the opportunity to develop a site specific work in the front space, combined with a gallery exhibition in the back space. The exhibition can be seen day and night. Hebel121 has shown an international program since 1998.

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