Being The Worst » Podcast EN

by Kerry Street and Rinat Abdullin · · · · 1 subscribers

Adventure in learning how to apply Domain-Driven Design, Event Sourcing, CQRS and Cross-cloud in practice, based on experience of Lokad and fuelled by the enthusiasm of the community.

Kerry and Rinat welcome guest Glenn Block to discuss hypermedia Web APIs, and the new book he co-authored on the subject. They get into some of the differences between systems that are designed to take advantage of the constraints of the REST architecture style, with those that are not. What is hypermedia? Should you always […]


Tags: training, education, podcasting, technology, technology/podcasting, technology/software how-to, software how-to, design, cqrs, software, lokad, education/training, es, ddd

Older Episodes

Kerry and Rinat discuss some of the learning that Rinat and the HappyPancake team did to evaluate their language and tool options for their new project. Rinat makes some observations about his long history with C#, and the benefits of looking at other lan
In this episode Kerry and Rinat discuss some of the benefits of decomposing your software into even smaller components. Some may refer to this technique as "micro services" or "system-of-systems". They end their conversation with a
This episode is the third of a three part series on client-side development. Kerry and Rinat discuss their initial experiment with applying the MvvmCross framework to the GTD sample's cross-platform mobile application. They review why they selected
This episode is the second of a three part series on client-side development. Kerry and Rinat discuss the changes that were made to the sample's WinForms client to make it easier to add new features. They review the three main contexts in their GTD
Kerry and Rinat return from their summer break to discuss their initial explorations into client-side development. This episode, and the two episodes after it, cover a two month period in which Rinat and Kerry went off to write some new client code for th
Kerry and Rinat answer listener questions about code syntax, differences between event sourcing and relational storage, and concrete examples of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) concepts. Along the way, your questions lead them to questioning themselves and to
Kerry and Rinat choose the event storage to use for their project. They're using Windows Azure, so should they stick with Lokad CQRS event storage, or switch to Event Store from Event Store LLP? They discuss some of the pros and cons of their option
Rinat returns home from his trip to the United States which was filled with milestones, memories, and marriage. The guys briefly catch-up on some of the insights that were gained from looking over the fence at the Java ecosystem, and how it has made more
Kerry and Rinat introduce the Actor in the Actor Model of Computation. They wonder if the Actor's embodiment of communication (via messaging) may simplify the way that they reason about and implement their solutions. They discuss this potential use
Kerry and Rinat dig into the Lokad CQRS project that laid the code foundation for their current projects. This open source sample provides a working slice of a production system's registration and user management subdomains that were implemented wit
Kerry and Rinat review some of the lessons learned from the deployment of Lokad.CQRS. Then, they discuss Rinat's blog post about those experiences, and some of his ideas for future improvement. This results in a sneak peek of the new event centric h
In this episode, there is a lot of new code to dig into. Kerry and Rinat cover the newly added features, discuss how the console relates to future UIs and assists with ongoing maintenance, dabble in Event message design, and get into the CQS pattern that
Kerry and Rinat discuss changes to the ubiquitous language, the characteristics of lists and projects, and lessons learned from using a similar productivity system. In between, they probably talk too much about some variable names and system implementatio
Kerry and Rinat dive into the GTD® code and discuss ways to choose words in the ubiquitous language. The new interactive shell allows them to use and shape the domain model as it evolves. In addition, an Event store is introduced to persist messages to di
Kerry and Rinat revisit and correct some DDD terminology they used based on new learning and listener feedback. After they readdress Domain, Domain Model, Subdomains, Bounded Contexts, Published Language, Shared Kernel, and Anti- Corruption Layer, they try
Kerry and Rinat discuss the problem space, Bounded Contexts within it, Subdomains, and the Core Domain of "Getting Things Done"(TM). After the DDD discussion, they dive into the initial approach to structuring the code, exploring the Published
Kerry and Rinat start the discussion with a Context Map that has several Bounded Contexts. They use their conversation to refine the Context Map and carve out the initial key words of the Core Domain's Ubiquitous Language. Download (mp3): Episode 21
Kerry and Rinat discuss approaches you can use to start the domain modeling process in various situations. This helps them determine the first step to take to start designing their new domain. Download (mp3): Episode 20 - Staring At A Blank Page &#8
Kerry and Rinat introduce the topics to be covered and the general direction for the next set of episodes. They discuss the new domain to be implemented, as they officially launch the next expedition. Download (mp3): Episode 19 - The Hermit: An Unex