Older Episodes
This is it! The Ultra Mega Final Morning Zoo Crew (Rosa, Libby, Chemda, and Keith) joins Danny on the last ever episode of Well I Guess That Counts as a Show, Danny for fun, feelings, and yet another goddamn Uncle Update. This episode is dedicated to all the Danny Boys, …
Danny is joined by Libby and Katharine Heller for the penultimate episode of That's the Show with Danny. The gang gets an Uncle Update, plays the hit new game Ask Kellyanne Conway a Question, and everyone passes the Bechdel test.
Libby, Chemda, Keith, and Ron Wayne Gacy join the show to help send Danny off in style.
It's back!
Danny makes an announcement that's actually real for once. The full Morning Zoo Crew is on mic to celebrate That's the Show with Danny's big Double Benjamins episode.
Danny tries to get into the holiday spirit the only way he knows how: by hosting a podcast with a bunch of weird callers. This episode sponsored by Larry's Razors. Larry's Razors: it's what's for dinner.
Danny tries to review the new Star Wars movie but accidentally dies.
Chemda is back from having a tumor and you know what means: more monologue interruptions! Also, Libby calls in from a ghost town or something. Welcome back, Chemda!
Danny and Libby are back in a shameless attempt to recreate the magic of the last episode. Meanwhile, Danny bravely opens up about his personal finances, Libby bums us out about Thanksgiving, and Leonard Cohen dies.
Danny and his CO-HOST (make note) Libby Phillips discuss Xanax-induced family drama, bombing on stage, and Green Day's moment of triumph. Remember when I used to write long descriptions? I SOLD OUT!!!
Danny hosts a post-election call-in show. Featuring Rosa and a special celebrity caller.
TTSWD 193: The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let's Do the Time Warp Again DVD (?)
Nov. 3, 2016
Danny watches a movie while he's supposed to be doing a podcast.
Amazing special guest Chanel Underscore Underscore Ali sits down with Libby, Keith, and Danny on How Is This the 192nd Episode with Danny for another deep dive into Danny's on-mic insecurities! Join the All-New All-New Morning Zoo Crew as they debate The Debate, movie screening Q and A etiquette, and …
Noted comedian Myq Kaplan joins Another Fucking Goddamn Show with Danny for a spirited one-on-one discussion of Boston, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and mountains or something. Plus, a special celebrity guest calls in! This episode brought to you by the Samsung Galaxy Note 7: the hottest phone on the …
Hello buccaneers! (That's what you're called now if you listen to the show. I'm sorry. I fought hard against it but management wouldn't budge.) Welcome back to Is This Really a Show, Danny? I'm your host, D-Money. (Again, management was very adamant about the new names.) What an amazing show …
Just another totally normal chill episode! Also I was super gassy for this one. Like, you're definitely gonna hear a lot of burping. I'm sorry about that. Please don't let it taint your appreciation of the rest of the episode.
Danny gets the gang back together just in time for Chemda's surgery for a high-spirited hour of fun. What else is there to say? This episode sponsored by Podcast Description Shorteners, Inc.
Danny gives up on a bit halfway through the episode. This episode also features movie reviews, existential crises, and no callers.
For Chris Hardwick's eyes only.