#9 Docker for the Python Developer May 26, 2015

from Talk Python To Me· ·

Did you know that Docker was not the original product from the team that built it? They were working on ways to improve their PaaS cloud platform and docker was just a side product! But oh what a side product. Wisely, dotCloud cancelled their PaaS plans and became Docker Inc. Join Patrick Chanezon and Michael to discuss where Docker came from, when and how to use it. You'll even learn about how Microsoft is embracing containers and working closely with Docker to bring this technology to Windows Servers. Docker and containers are truly going to change the way we build, …

Did you know that Docker was not the original product from the team that built it? They were working on ways to improve their PaaS cloud platform and docker was just a side product! But oh what a side product. Wisely, dotCloud cancelled their PaaS plans and became Docker Inc.