Talk Python To Me

by Michael Kennedy · · ·

Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by developer and entrepreneur Michael Kennedy. We dive deep into the popular packages and software developers, data scientists, and incredible hobbyists doing amazing things with Python. If you're new to Python, you'll quickly learn the ins and outs of the community by hearing from the leaders. And if you've been Pythoning for years, you'll learn about your favorite packages and the hot new ones coming out of open source.

When you think data exploration using Python, Jupyter notebooks likely come to mind. They are excellent for those of us who gravitate towards Python. But what about your everyday power user? Think of that person who is really good at Excel but has never written a line of code? They can still harness the power of modern Python using a cool application called Superset.



Older Episodes

We are on the edge of a major jump in Python performance. With the work done by the Faster CPython team and Python 3.11 due out in around a month, your existing Python code might see an increase of well over 25% in speed with no changes. One of the …
Terminals seem like the very lowest common denominator for software platforms. They have to work over SSH. They only show text. You can't do much with them. Or can you? Will McGugan and team have been building Textual (based on Rich) which looks more like an animated web app than …
Do you write web apps in Django? The framework has come a long way lately with versions 3 and 4 adopting many of the modern Python capabilities (async, for example). But there are so many other libraries and apps that you can use to do more with less code in …
Have you heard of Flutter? It's a modern and polished UI framework to write mobile apps, desktop apps, and even web apps. While interesting, you may have kept your distance because Flutter is a Dart language-based framework. But with the project we're covering today, Flet, many Flutter UIs can now …
PyPI has been in the news for a bunch of reasons lately. Many of them good. But also, some with a bit of drama or mixed reactions. On this episode, we have Dustin Ingram, one of the PyPI maintainers and one of the directors of the PSF, here to discuss …
Pydantic has become a core building block for many Python projects. After 5 years, it's time for a remake. With version 2, the plan is to rebuild the internals (with benchmarks already showing a 17x performance improvement) and clean up the API. Sounds great, but what does that mean for …
Every year, the Python core developers and a few other key players in the Python ecosystem meet to discuss the pressing issues and important advancements at an event called the Python Language Summit. While Python is a community known for openness, this meeting is typically held behind closed doors mostly …
Every year, the PSF and JetBrains team up to do a Python community survey. The most recent one was Fall of 2021. For this episode, I've gathered a great group of Python enthusiasts to discuss the results. I think you'll really enjoy the group discussion on this episode.
Deploying and managing your application after you create it can be a big challenge. Cloud platforms such as Azure have literally hundreds of services. Which ones should you choose? How do you link them together? In this episode, Anthony Shaw and Shayne Boyer share a new CLI tool and template …
Often when we learn about or work with Math, it's done so in a very detached style. You might learn the rules and techniques for differentiation, for example. But how often do you get to apply them to meaningful and interesting problems? In this episode, we have Vince Knight and …
I'm sure you're familiar with package managers for your OS even if you don't use them. On macOS we have Homebrew, Chocolatey on Windows, and apt, yum, and others on Linux. But if you want to install Python applications, you typically have to fallback to managing them with pip. Maybe …
You may have heard of the Bloomberg terminal. It's expensive software that can monitor and analyze real-time financial market data and place trades on the electronic trading platform. But have you heard of OpenBB? It's similar software for real-time and long term analysis for finance and investing. The difference is …
Python is undergoing a performance renaissance. We already have Python 3.11 20-40% faster than even Python 3.10. On this episode, we'll dive into a new proposal to make Python even more efficient using lazy imports laid out in PEP 690. We have all three folks involved on the episode: Carl …
How do you test whether your web sites are working well? Unit tests are great. But for web apps, the number of pieces that have to click together "just so" are many. You have databases, server code (such as a Flask app), server templates (Jinja for example), CSS, Javascript, and …
Despite Python being overwhelmingly popular and positive, there are major areas of computing where Python is not present. Most notably on mobile and on the frontend side of the web. PyScript, a new project launched by Fabio Pliger from Anaconda, just might change that. It was made public and announced …
Does your app have a database? Does that database play an important role in how the app operations and users perceive its quality? Most of you probably said yes to the first, and definitely to the second. But what if your DB isn't doing as well as it should? How …
How much time do you spend solving negative engineering problems? And can a framework solve them for you? Think of negative engineering as things you do to avoid bad outcomes in software. At the lowest level, this can be writing good error handling with try / except. But it's broader …
We're all familiar with the data science tools like numpy, pandas, and others. These are numerical tools working with floating point numbers, often to represent real-world systems. But what if you exactly specify the equations, symbolically like many of us did back in Calculus and Differential Equations courses? With SymPy, …
Are you coming to Python from another language and ecosystem? It can seem a bit daunting at first. But Python is very welcoming and has a massive array of tools and libraries. In this episode, I speak to my friend Cecil Philip who does both Python and .NET development. We …