File on 4

by BBC · · · · 157 subscribers

Award-winning current affairs documentary series investigating major issues at home and abroad

Justice on Trial Sept. 6, 2022

It was to be one of the most ambitious just reform programmes in the world – a ‘common platform’ that would share information between the courts, lawyers and police, from arrest to court. But the quarter-of-a-billion pound IT project now stands accused of causing wrongful arrests and unlawful detentions. File on 4 has spoken with whistle-blowers from within the court service who say the system is unsafe, unfinished and beset with bugs, errors and glitches. Sources say early warnings were ignored and worry that the software continues to be rolled out to courts across England and Wales despite serious concerns …


Tags: allan urry, investigations, fran abrams, news & politics, four, julian o'halloran, jenny cuffe, research

Older Episodes

Calls for the massage industry to be regulated after sexual assaults by therapists.
Stories from civilians in war-torn Ukraine.
An investigation into the standards of care provided by ‘for profit’ children’s homes.
Are dementia patients being failed when it comes to their continence care?
Livvy Haydock explores the challenges and complexities of sibling sexual abuse.
Gambling on Justice June 7, 2022
Does the criminal justice system understand crimes driven by gambling addiction?
British academics accused of sharing Russian disinformation about the war in Ukraine.
Searching Questions May 25, 2022
Why are a disproportionate number of black children being strip-searched?
Is the UK’s ‘Homes for Ukraine’ scheme fit for purpose?
Locking Up the Sick May 10, 2022
Nearly half of seriously mentally ill prisoners denied the hospital treatment they need.
Ukraine: War Stories March 15, 2022
People all over Ukraine tell their personal stories of the Russian invasion as it happens.
Rachel Stonehouse investigates a form of abuse called reproductive coercion
The Paedophile Preacher March 1, 2022
Paedophile preacher still free to offend.
Subscription Scams Feb. 22, 2022
The billion dollar subscription scam industry.
A First Class Scandal Feb. 16, 2022
File on 4 investigates what the Post Office really knew during the sub- postmaster scandal.
Drink spiking Feb. 8, 2022
Drink spiking – are some criminals getting away with it?
Missing Evidence Feb. 1, 2022
The consequences for victims and those accused of crimes when police lose evidence.
Lives are being lost because ambulances are taking so long to reach the critically ill
Adam Eley investigates concerns over specialist mental health rehabilitation units.