Logos Media Podcast - feed 2

by Gnostic Media · · · · 15 subscribers

Check out our website! http://WWW.LOGOSMEDIA.COM Logos Media podcast with host Jan Irvin. Gnostic Media is now Logos Media - open-source, independent media that pulls you outside of the box and into the heart of cognizance itself. Topics of investigation include: education and the 7 liberal arts (the trivium and quadrivium), the mystery schools, mythology, theology, shamanism, entheogens, archaeoastronomy, politics, economics, and much more. By bringing together leading academic and independent scholars (from their respective fields) and providing them a platform to present their ideas and research in full, the idea is to facilitate and deepen understanding in these related fields – not only for the listening audience – but for everyone involved. This is a powerful, one-of-a-kind show, so sit back and relax as we take you on a journey to the deepest recesses of your soul. Jan Irvin of LogosMedia.com is an independent researcher, author and lecturer in ancient and modern religious practices. Books and videos from Gnostic Media The Holy Mushroom: Evidence of Mushrooms in Judeo-Christianity by Jan Irvin Astrotheology & Shamanism: Christianity's Pagan Roots, by Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit The Pharmacratic Inquisition DVD, by Jan Irvin and Andrew Rutajit. See also Pharmacratic- Inquisition.com John Marco Allegro's The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross (40th anniversary edition) See also www.JohnAllegro.org. Visit www.gnosticmedia.com for more information regarding this podcast, to visit our forums, or to order books and DVDs.

ARCHIVE: This episode older than 6 months and is archived and available for $3 on the Premium page to help cover server costs. Thank you for understanding. What is the importance of trees in mythology? Is there a connection between ancient goddess worship and …
What is truth and what is propaganda? Tonight we'll be discussing what is probably the single most controversial subject in the world today: Zionism. What is Zionism, and why is it important to understand? Is anti-Zionism related to anti-Semitism? Are Zionists attempting a world takeover, …
ARCHIVE: This episode older than 6 months and is archived and available for $3 on the Premium page to help cover server costs. Thank you for understanding. What is truth and what is propaganda? Tonight we'll be discussing what is probably the single most …
What are the negative consequences of "positive thinking"? Is positive thinking a good thing, or does it have the potential to be used as a tool for mind control and manipulation? Is positive thinking responsible for the financial meltdown? Who really gets rich from the …
ARCHIVE: This episode older than 6 months and is archived and available for $3 on the Premium page to help cover server costs. Thank you for understanding. What are the negative consequences of "positive thinking"? Is positive thinking a good thing, or does it …
ARCHIVE: This episode older than 6 months and is archived and available for $3 on the Premium page to help cover server costs. Thank you for understanding. Mitch Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of Tarcher/Penguin in New York and the author of Occult America: The …
Mitch Horowitz is the editor-in-chief of Tarcher/Penguin in New York and the author of Occult America: The Secret History of How Mysticism Shaped Our Nation (Bantam), which has been called “a fascinating book” by Ken Burns and “extraordinary” by Deepak Chopra. A widely known voice …
Our first interactive podcast. In tonight's show we continue our discussion on the Trivium and Quadrivium and go for a full-blown as we complete this series with the Kabbalah and the mystery schools with Gene Odening. Here we continue to learn about learning, logic, critical …
In tonight's show we continue our discussion on the Trivium and discuss the Quadrivium with Gene Odening. Here we continue to learn about learning, logic, critical thinking, Hegelian dialectics, Plato, the Trivium, the Quadrivium, the 7 liberal arts, and many other facets of human cognizance.
Gnostic Media's 1 Year anniversary show! Tonight's show is an important one. Without it, it's hard to build on the information presented in the other shows. Here we begin to learn about learning, logic, critical thinking, Hegelian dialectics, Plato, the Trivium, the Quadrivium, the 7 …
"Goddammit!®" Today we're going to speak with Mark Herer, Jack Herer's son, about Jack's condition, and his first word since his heart attack. This talk is only about 6 minutes long before the main interview. Then: From the Cannabis Cup in Amsterdam to the Kennedy …
ARCHIVE: This episode older than 6 months and is archived and available for $3 on the Premium page to help cover server costs. Thank you for understanding. "Goddammit!®" Today we're going to speak with Mark Herer, Jack Herer's son, about Jack's condition, and his …
ARCHIVE: This episode older than 6 months and is archived and available for $3 on the Premium page to help cover server costs. Thank you for understanding. I thought today that we'd take a completely different direction and switch to the other side of …
I thought today that we'd take a completely different direction and switch to the other side of the brain to discuss our creative side and pay tribute to a more beautiful side of life - art. But we're not going to discuss just any art …
Eustace Mullins died at noon on February 2, 2010 at the home of his manager, Jesse Lee, in Texas. This was Eustace's last interview, and most extensive interview that he gave in the last year of his more than 60-year career. How deep does the …
ARCHIVE: This episode older than 6 months and is archived and available for $3 on the Premium page to help cover server costs. Thank you for understanding. Eustace Mullins died at noon on February 2, 2010 at the home of his manager, Jesse Lee, …
ARCHIVE: This episode older than 6 months and is archived and available for $3 on the Premium page to help cover server costs. Thank you for understanding. Eustace Mullins died at noon on February 2, 2010 at the home of his manager, Jesse Lee, …
Eustace Mullins died at noon on February 2, 2010 at the home of his manager, Jesse Lee, in Texas. This was Eustace's last interview, and most extensive interview that he gave in the last year of his more than 60-year career. Conspiracy. It's a word …
ARCHIVE: This episode older than 6 months and is archived and available for $3 on the Premium page to help cover server costs. Thank you for understanding. The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross was one of the most controversial books written in the twentieth …
The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross was one of the most controversial books written in the twentieth century. Not since Darwin's On the Origin of Species had a book caused such outrage. John Marco Allegro was a respected Dead Sea Scrolls scholar and had just …