No Agenda Episode 623 - "Fact Pattern" Direct [link] to the mp3 file Executive Producers: Sir Phillip Pfotenhauer, Sir David Foley Arch Duke of Silicon Valley, Spoon Collection, HMFIC, Thomas Stanieszewski, Jamaican in Amsterdam Associate Executive Producers: Sir Guy Boazy, Aaron Baer, Jackie Priester 623 Club Member: Sir David Foley Arch Duke of Silicon Valley Become a member of the 624 Club, support the show here Knighthoods:Phillip Pfotenhauer -> Knight Titles:Sir Guy Boazy -> Baronet Art By:Nick the Rat ShowNotes Archive of links and Assets (clips etc) * *Sign Up for the newsletter …
Tags: podcast, government, legislation, elections, news & politics, dvorak, agenda, politics, news, comedy, curry, science_denying, pro-trump
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