Political Grapevine

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Returned to family 70 years later
Obituary asks to not vote for Clinton
Ultimately, not selected for case
Grapevine: Happy tax day April 15, 2015
GAO report looks at waste across gov't
Features line by another poet
How much are travelers leaving behind?
BK to pay for Burger-King wedding
Student almost didn't see $100,000 grant
Granny makes family sick with old cocoa
Republican allergic to dog dander
Reid claimed Romney didn't pay taxes
$300,000 tab to relocate to Philly
Held in psych ward for 8 days
How a bill does not become law
Name building in Assata Shakur's honor?
Agency wants to track water usage
Fmr. gov. to tap gloves with Holyfield
College tournament tips off this week
Are there too many studies out there?
Left out of poll of 2016 candidates