#10 Bringing Python to the Masses with Hosting and DevOps at PythonAnywhere June 2, 2015

from Talk Python To Me· ·

Did you know that PythonAnywhere started out as the first spreadsheet powered and scripted using Python before it became a hosting and Python-in-your- browser-Service (PiybS)! Come get to know Harry Percival and his path from Economics to PythonAnywhere all the way to Extreme Programming and Obey the Testing Goat. Links from the show: PythonAnywhere: pythonanywhere.com Harry Percival - TDD with Django, from scratch: a beginner's intro to testing and web development: youtube.com/watch?v=vQjmz9wCjLA TDD Python Book: obeythetestinggoat.com Harry on Twitter: @hjwp PyTest: pytest.org Nose: nose.readthedocs.org

Did you know that PythonAnywhere started out as the first spreadsheet powered and scripted using Python before it became a hosting and Python-in-your- browser-Service (PiybS)! Come get to know Harry Percival and his path from Economics to PythonAnywhere all the way to Extreme Programming and Obey the Testing Goat.

Links from the show:


Harry Percival - TDD with Django, from scratch: a beginner's intro to testing and web development:

TDD Python Book:

Harry on Twitter:

