#158 Quantum Computing and Python April 20, 2018

from Talk Python To Me· ·

You've surely heard of quantum computing and quantum computers. They are based on the (often) non-intuitive nature of very small particles described by quantum mechanics. So how do they work and what will they mean for us as a society and as developers? Luckily, I have Hannah Sim, a Ph.D. student from Harvard working on quantum algorithms here to give us the full story. Links from the show OpenFermion : github.com/quantumlib/OpenFermion pyQuil : github.com/rigetticomputing/pyquil Rigetti 19 qubit : medium.com BM 50 qubit : technologyreview.com IBM Python library : github.com/QISKit/qiskit-sdk- py D-Wave 2000 qubit : dwavesys.com Sponsors Linode

You've surely heard of quantum computing and quantum computers. They are based on the (often) non-intuitive nature of very small particles described by quantum mechanics. So how do they work and what will they mean for us as a society and as developers?