Intelligence Squared U.S. Debates

by IQ2US Debates · · · · 299 subscribers

America feels divided. From the most salient questions about our national identity and place in the world, to fundamental concerns about technology, religion, the economy, and public policy, Intelligence Squared U.S. is here to help. A respite from polarized discussions, we bring together the smartest minds to debate and dissect issues in depth, restoring civility and bringing intelligence to the public square in the process.

with Robert Reich, Yanis Varoufakis, Allison Schrager, and Lawrence Summers
with Michael J. Anderson and Lawrence Gostin
with Clea Conner, Nick Gillespie, and Robert Litan
with Ray Dalio
with Patrick Byrne, Tim Draper, Eric Posner, and Gillian Tett
with Bret Stephens, Einat Wilf, Peter Beinart, and Yousef Munayyer
with Lyle J. Goldstein, Charlie Glaser, Elbridge Colby, and Elizabeth Larus
Will you need a digital passport to prove you’ve been vaccinated the next time you try to board a flight or get into a concert? The idea is already being tested in Israel and governments around the world – including the Biden administration – are exploring what vaccine credentials might …
with Rick Doblin, Bia Labate, Jeffrey Lieberman and Kevin Sabet
Legalize Psychedelics April 23, 2021
with Rick Doblin, Bia Labate, Jeffrey Lieberman and Kevin Sabet
with Brook Baker and Thomas Cueni
with Brook Baker and Thomas Cueni
with Beth Akers, Nick Gillespie, Ashley Harrington, and Dalié Jiménez
Forgive Student Debt March 26, 2021
with Beth Akers, Nick Gillespie, Ashley Harrington, and Dalié Jiménez
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with Cornell William Brooks and Randall LeRoy Kennedy
with Cornell William Brooks and Randall LeRoy Kennedy
With Carlos Curbelo, Ben Domenech, Jeff Flake and Kimberley Strassel
The GOP Has Lost Its Way Feb. 26, 2021
With Carlos Curbelo, Ben Domenech, Jeff Flake and Kimberley Strassel