Talk Python To Me

by Michael Kennedy · · ·

Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by developer and entrepreneur Michael Kennedy. We dive deep into the popular packages and software developers, data scientists, and incredible hobbyists doing amazing things with Python. If you're new to Python, you'll quickly learn the ins and outs of the community by hearing from the leaders. And if you've been Pythoning for years, you'll learn about your favorite packages and the hot new ones coming out of open source.

Remember back in math class when you would take a test? It wasn't enough to just write down the answer. What's the limit of this infinite summation? pi/2 Yes, but how did you get that number.
What's it like to be a beginner in software development? How about learning Python for the first time? This episode is a special panel episode and is the first of a two-part series we are doing on the podcast called Beginners and Experts.
One core question around open source is how do you fund it? Well, there is always that PayPal donate button. But that's been a tremendous failure for many projects. Often the go-to answer is consulting.
The Nobel prize in economics recently went to Paul Romer, a convert from proprietary software like Matlab over to Python and the SciPy stack. Paul said, “The more I learn about proprietary software, the more I worry that objective truth might perish from the earth.”
Do you know or maybe work with people who abuse Excel? Is it their hammer to pound all the computational problems that get in their way? Well, join me to chat about this opportunity to bring Python deeper into their lives. You'll meet Chris Moffitt who runs Practical Business Python. …
Do your applications call a lot of APIs? Maybe you have a bunch of microservices driving your app. You probably don't have the crazy combinatorial explosion that Zapier does for connecting APIs! They have millions of users automating things with 1,000s of APIs. It's pretty crazy. And they are doing …
It's time to catch up with the Anaconda crew and see what's new in the Anaconda distribution. This edition of Python was created to solve some of the stickier problems of deployment, especially in the data science space. Their usage gives them deep insight into how Python is being used …
A recent twitter poll went around the web and it asked, what percentage of the Python standard library do you think you know? Someone copied me on it, maybe expecting some really high percentage answer. In reality, what I did answer and my rough estimate is that it's probably around …
If you are doing any sort of data exploration, you've likely heard about Jupyter notebooks. In fact, there are quite a few options for running and hosting your Jupyter notebooks. You may have heard me rave about PyCharm as an editor too. Well, on this episode, you'll meet Adam Hood …
When you think of learning Python, what type of developer or technologist comes to mind? Is it someone looking to get their first job or maybe moving from .NET to Python and looking for a shift in their careers?
How do you learn programming when you're working in a vacuum? Sure there are resources on the internet, but sometimes just bouncing ideas of others in person makes a huge difference. Join me along with Rusti Gregory as we discuss how he is learning and teaching Python in a small …
This year, 2018, is the year that the number of data scientists doing Python equals the number of web developers doing Python. That's why I've invited Jonathon Morgan to join me to count down the top 10 stories in the data science space.
It's been a fantastic year for Python. Literally, every year is better than the last with so much growth and excitement in the Python space. That's why I've asked two of my knowledgeable Python friends, Dan Bader and Brian Okken, to help pick the top 10 stories from the Python …
When you think about Microsoft, do you think about Python? Maybe not, but you probably should. They have been doing an incredible amount of work to improve Python for folks on Windows as well as the broader community. You can think of the wild growth of Visual Studio code. But …
When you think about Microsoft, do you think about Python? Maybe not, but you probably should. They have been doing an incredible amount of work to improve Python for folks on Windows as well as the broader community. You can think of the wild growth of Visual Studio code. But …
#190: Teaching Django Dec. 11, 2018
You'll find this episode to be part discussion on how to teach and learn Django as well as why learning web development can be hard and part meta where Will Vincent and I discuss the business of creating content and teaching around Python.
Have you ever wondered what a developer advocate (sometimes called a dev evangelist) does? You know these folks. They are often seen at conferences working at some high-end tech company's booth or traveling from conference to conference speaking on their specialty.
What do most web servers do most of the time? They wait. They wait on external systems while processing a request.
How do you keep track of the security, configuration states, and even out of date system level packages in your servers? What if you had 40,000 or more servers? How's your process scale? I'll tell you, mine would take some tweaks!
The key to making anything a habit, including learning to program, is to make it fun. That's exactly what Anna-Lena Popkes did with her 100 days of code challenge. She created a magical universe where Python-derived creatures and castles live.