Talk Python To Me

by Michael Kennedy · · ·

Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by developer and entrepreneur Michael Kennedy. We dive deep into the popular packages and software developers, data scientists, and incredible hobbyists doing amazing things with Python. If you're new to Python, you'll quickly learn the ins and outs of the community by hearing from the leaders. And if you've been Pythoning for years, you'll learn about your favorite packages and the hot new ones coming out of open source.

Python is said to be a language that comes with "batteries included". That has many meanings depending on the level you're focusing on. At the lowest, it's a very rich and expressive language. Most commonly it means Python has a powerful and comprehensive standard library (itertools and elementtree anyone?). But …
Google runs millions of lines of Python code. The front-end server that drives and YouTube’s APIs is primarily written in Python, and it serves millions of requests per second! On this episode you'll meet Dylan Trotter who is working increase performance and concurrency on these servers powering YouTube. He …
Google runs millions of lines of Python code. The front-end server that drives and YouTube’s APIs is primarily written in Python, and it serves millions of requests per second! On this episode you'll meet Dylan Trotter who is working increase performance and concurrency on these servers powering YouTube. He …
Have you ever had trouble installing a package you wanted to use in your Python app? Likely it contained some odd dependency, required a compilation step, maybe even using an uncommon compiler like Fortran. Did you try it on Windows? How many times have you seen "Cannot find vcvarsall.bat" before …
Have you ever had trouble installing a package you wanted to use in your Python app? Likely it contained some odd dependency, required a compilation step, maybe even using an uncommon compiler like Fortran. Did you try it on Windows? How many times have you seen "Cannot find vcvarsall.bat" before …
You often hear that we need to teach computer science as a foundational skill. Why? Well I'm not sure many of the leaders pushing this forward have great answers other than jobs! But it is fundamentally important that we do teach programming as a core skill. The reason is whatever …
You often hear that we need to teach computer science as a foundational skill. Why? Well I'm not sure many of the leaders pushing this forward have great answers other than jobs! But it is fundamentally important that we do teach programming as a core skill. The reason is whatever …
Here's a bonus as many of you are on winter break or travelling around. I hope you enjoy this episode of Python Bytes. If you love it, be sure to subscribe to the full podcast. Full [show notes here]( going-to-be-awesome-kite-your-friendly-co-developing-ai). **Sponsors** [Rollbar]( [Talk Python Training](
Here's a bonus as many of you are on winter break or travelling around. I hope you enjoy this episode of Python Bytes. If you love it, be sure to subscribe to the full podcast. Full [show notes here]( going-to-be-awesome-kite-your-friendly-co-developing-ai).
It's been an amazing year for Python and Data Science. It's time to look back at the major headlines and take stock in what we've done as a community. I've teamed up with the Partially Derivative podcast and we're running down the top 10 data science stories of 2016 in …
It's been an amazing year for Python and Data Science. It's time to look back at the major headlines and take stock in what we've done as a community. I've teamed up with the Partially Derivative podcast and we're running down the top 10 data science stories of 2016 in …
Do you have a dirty, messy data problem? Whether you work as a software developer or as a data scientist, you've surely run across data that was malformed, incomplete, or maybe even wrong. Don't let messy data wreck your apps or generate wrong results. What should you do? Listen to …
Do you have a dirty, messy data problem? Whether you work as a software developer or as a data scientist, you've surely run across data that was malformed, incomplete, or maybe even wrong. Don't let messy data wreck your apps or generate wrong results. What should you do? Listen to …
This special episode is hosted by Jonathon Morgan. He went to the White House (the White House!) to interview DJ Patil, the Chief Data Scientist of the United States. DJ talked with Jonathon about the relationship between government and Silicon Valley, the White House’s leadership on data ethics, and why …
This special episode is hosted by Jonathon Morgan. He went to the White House (the White House!) to interview DJ Patil, the Chief Data Scientist of the United States. DJ talked with Jonathon about the relationship between government and Silicon Valley, the White House’s leadership on data ethics, and why …
#88 Lightweight Django Dec. 6, 2016
Django is a very popular Python web framework. One reason is you have many building blocks to drop in for large sections of your application. Need a full-on admin table editor backend? That's a few lines of code and boom you have a basic table editor. This applies to many …
#88 Lightweight Django Dec. 6, 2016
Django is a very popular Python web framework. One reason is you have many building blocks to drop in for large sections of your application. Need a full-on admin table editor backend? That's a few lines of code and boom you have a basic table editor. This applies to many …
If you could have any API you want for accessing data from Python, what would it look like? What would make it Pythonic? This week you'll hear about Pony ORM: Pony is a Python ORM with beautiful query syntax that lets you write your database queries using Python generators and …
If you could have any API you want for accessing data from Python, what would it look like? What would make it Pythonic? This week you'll hear about Pony ORM: Pony is a Python ORM with beautiful query syntax that lets you write your database queries using Python generators and …
If you run into a problem with some API or Python code what do you do to solve it? I personally throw a few keywords into google, sometimes even before checking the full docs. Why does this work? Because invariably an excellent conversation and answer from StackOverflow comes back with …