Talk Python To Me

by Michael Kennedy · · ·

Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by developer and entrepreneur Michael Kennedy. We dive deep into the popular packages and software developers, data scientists, and incredible hobbyists doing amazing things with Python. If you're new to Python, you'll quickly learn the ins and outs of the community by hearing from the leaders. And if you've been Pythoning for years, you'll learn about your favorite packages and the hot new ones coming out of open source.

You likely know that Python is one of the fastest growing languages for data science. This is a discipline that combines the scientific inquiry of hypotheses and tests, the mathematical intuition of probability and statistics, the AI foundations of machine learning, a fluency in big data processing, and the Python …
In the software field, we pride ourselves on fairness, openness and the fact that our workplaces are largely meritocracies. And compared to other environments, I would say this is certainly true. It's one of the reasons I love being a developer. And yet, if we look at programming jobs in …
In the software field, we pride ourselves on fairness, openness and the fact that our workplaces are largely meritocracies. And compared to other environments, I would say this is certainly true. It's one of the reasons I love being a developer. And yet, if we look at programming jobs in …
How often have people asked what language / technology you work in and when you answered Python they got a little confused and asked, what can you actually build with Python? What type of apps? The implication being Python is just a notch above Bash scripts. That real things aren't …
How often have people asked what language / technology you work in and when you answered Python they got a little confused and asked, what can you actually build with Python? What type of apps? The implication being Python is just a notch above Bash scripts. That real things aren't …
What's your favorite Python editor? That is one of the questions I always ask at the end of the episode. This week I want to shine a light on a fantastic answer to that question for Windows developers: Visual Studio. On this episode, you'll meet Steve Dower, from Microsoft's Python …
What's your favorite Python editor? That is one of the questions I always ask at the end of the episode. This week I want to shine a light on a fantastic answer to that question for Windows developers: Visual Studio. On this episode, you'll meet Steve Dower, from Microsoft's Python …
Have you ever played a massively multiplayer online game? My first experience with these types of games with text-based role playing games called MUDs back in the early 90's. Well, things have come a long way since then. Game such as Eve Online have hundreds of thousands of players exploring, …
Have you ever played a massively multiplayer online game? My first experience with these types of games with text-based role playing games called MUDs back in the early 90's. Well, things have come a long way since then. Game such as Eve Online have hundreds of thousands of players exploring, …
You've heard that machine intelligence is going to transform our lives any day now. This is usually presented in a way that is vague and non-descript. This week on Talk Python To Me you'll meet Patrick Hayes the CTO at SigOpt whose goal is to accelerate your machine learning by …
You've heard that machine intelligence is going to transform our lives any day now. This is usually presented in a way that is vague and non-descript. This week on Talk Python To Me you'll meet Patrick Hayes the CTO at SigOpt whose goal is to accelerate your machine learning by …
What do you do when you are working with an amazing web application that, for whatever reason, doesn't have an API? One option is to say I wish that site had an API and give up. Or, you could use scrapy, an open source web scraping framework from Pablo Hoffman …
What do you do when you are working with an amazing web application that, for whatever reason, doesn't have an API? One option is to say I wish that site had an API and give up. Or, you could use scrapy, an open source web scraping framework from Pablo Hoffman …
This episode you'll learn about a project that has the potential to unlock massive innovation around how CPython understands and executes code. And it's coming from what many of you may consider an unlikely source: Microsoft and the recently open-sourced, cross-platform .NET Core runtime. You'll meet Brett Cannon who works …
This episode you'll learn about a project that has the potential to unlock massive innovation around how CPython understands and executes code. And it's coming from what many of you may consider an unlikely source: Microsoft and the recently open-sourced, cross-platform .NET Core runtime. You'll meet Brett Cannon who works …
When you think of Python web microframeworks, Flask is definitely near the top of the list. With almost 19,000 stars on GitHub it's a powerful and extensible web framework and it even powers the bandwidth intensive audio delivery of the Talk Python To Me podcast. In this episode, number 48, …
When you think of Python web microframeworks, Flask is definitely near the top of the list. With almost 19,000 stars on GitHub it's a powerful and extensible web framework and it even powers the bandwidth intensive audio delivery of the Talk Python To Me podcast. In this episode, number 48, …
This week on Talk Python To Me, we'll dive into the world of typeface and font development. Even though we spend our days immersed in fonts, from our computer interfaces, signs, books, television and more, much of the process and thinking about fonts is invisible to us. If we dig …
This week on Talk Python To Me, we'll dive into the world of typeface and font development. Even though we spend our days immersed in fonts, from our computer interfaces, signs, books, television and more, much of the process and thinking about fonts is invisible to us. If we dig …
What did you experience the last time you watched a movie in a theater? Were you captivated by fast-paced action and special effects? Deeply moved by the characters that came to life during those two hours when the outside world just melted away? Yeah, movies are still magical. What was …