Talk Python To Me

by Michael Kennedy · · ·

Talk Python to Me is a weekly podcast hosted by developer and entrepreneur Michael Kennedy. We dive deep into the popular packages and software developers, data scientists, and incredible hobbyists doing amazing things with Python. If you're new to Python, you'll quickly learn the ins and outs of the community by hearing from the leaders. And if you've been Pythoning for years, you'll learn about your favorite packages and the hot new ones coming out of open source.

The blockchain and cryptocurrencies are some of the most disruptive technologies of the decade. On this episode, you'll meet Stuart Farmer who is building a suite of developer tools that speed up the process of creating new and custom blockchains and apps. **Links from the show** **Lamden** : []( **Lamden …
The brain is truly one of the final frontiers of human exploration. Understanding how brains work has vast consequences for human health and computation. Imagine how computers might change if we actually understood how thinking and even consciousness worked. On this episode, you'll meet Justin Kiggins and Corinne Teeter who …
Learn how Python is being used in research to understand the inner workings of the Earth. This week, you'll meet Lindsey Heagy, a PhD student in geophysics at the University of British Columbia. She shares how she is using Python to solve these computational problems along with an amazing framework …
You often hear about architecture in software. This could be things like microservices, 3-tier apps, or even the dreaded client-server mainframe app. But this episode, we're turning this on its head: It's software in architecture and real-world construction projects with Mark Mendez. **Links from the show** **EvolveLAB** : []( **Grasshopper …
#161 Django 2.0 May 12, 2018
Django has reached a major milestone with its 2.0 release. This puts legacy Python (that is Python 2) fully in the rear-view mirror and brings some nice new features to the framework. Join me with Daniel Roy Greenfeld to discuss what new best practices we should adopt and which ones …
What is the fastest, most scalable web platform? Is it Pyramid running on top of MongoDB with a Redis cache? Maybe Flask and Postgres as a service? Some funky Go API framework? No. It's static files. But today that does not mean you write a bunch of HTML. With static …
Python is often described as a "batteries included" language and ecosystem. In fact, that's been taken so far that there is even a delightful Easter egg in the Python REPL. Just type "import antigravity" to see what I mean. Where do these powerful packages come from? Well, the Python Package …
You've surely heard of quantum computing and quantum computers. They are based on the (often) non-intuitive nature of very small particles described by quantum mechanics. So how do they work and what will they mean for us as a society and as developers? Luckily, I have Hannah Sim, a Ph.D. …
One of the hottest areas of growth for Python is in the scientific and data science communities. But if that work is done in an academic or research setting, it can be very hard to get proper credit for it. You have to write full on peer reviewed articles. That's …
Learning about programming libraries and languages is useful and interesting. But sometimes knowing WHY certain decisions were made or the history leading up to some change or package being created gives you a deeper understanding. That's what this episode is all about. You'll meet Mike Driscoll who runs PyDev of …
Since 2008 there has been this tension in Python where the much of the effort to improve Python has been on Python 3 whereas many developers were left stuck on Python 2 primarily because important packages were not yet Python 3 capable. We've moved into a new era where most …
Python is often used in big-data situations. One of the more personal sources of large data sets is our own genetic code. Of course, as Python grows stronger in data science, it's finding its place in biology and genetics. In this episode, you'll meet Ian Maurer. He's working to help …
#153 How Python Evolves March 1, 2018
If you have spent some time in the Python community, you have probably heard the term PEP which stands for Python Enhancement Proposal. In fact, the very first one was created in June 2000 which defines the PEP process. Our guest this week, Nick Coghlan, was a co-author on that …
Have you heard about ASTs? Maybe that was in the context of compilers or parsers? They are an powerful data structure that we all use but often indirectly. They are just an, well, abstract idea to most of us. This week, you'll meet Emily Morehouse. She is here to make …
I hope you using Python 3 these days. One of its powerful new features is type annotations. This lets you build and maintain large-scale Python projects with much more ease and confidence. This episode you'll meet Łukasz Langa who has help migrate some very large Python projects. We'll discuss how …
Does your code smell? Have a weird fragrance? It turns out code smells are a real thing and an amazing conceptualization of suboptimal design. This week you'll meet Yenny Cheung who has some practical and real-world advice on using refactoring in Python to improve your code and wash away those …
Are you considering getting into web programming? Choosing a web framework (like Pyramid, Flask, or Django) can be daunting. It would be great to see them all build out the same application and compare the results side-by-side. That's why when I heard what Nick Hunt-Walker was up to, I had …
Are you a fan of developer and technical books? Ever wonder what went into the writing of your favorite Python book? This week we peek inside the world of book authorship with a panel of renowned developer-focused authors. You'll meet Katharine Jarmul, Bruce Eckel, Luciano Ramalho, Dan Bader, and Brian …
There has been a bunch of new Python web frameworks coming out in the past few years. Generally, these have been focused solely on Python 3 and have tried to leverage Python's new async and await features. However, generally these frameworks have come with their own new APIs. They may …
Voice assistants and voice interfaces are quickly becoming the new, hot way to interact with computers. Two of the notable ones are amazon echo devices and google home devices. Wouldn't it be great if we could program these with Python? Even better if we could use well-known APIs such as …