GNU World Order Linux Cast

by Klaatu · · · · 230 subscribers

GNU, Linux, coffee, and subversion. This podcast is founded in the ideals of anarcho-syndacalism, anti-facism, and human rights. I stand in solidarity with all peopele of colour, of marginalised communities, and the oppressed around the globe.

12 gnuWorldOrder_12x33 Aug. 12, 2018
A quick Git tip for tagging releases in an automated way, and some responses to listener feedback. shasum -a256=3f75f909fccd53f2932fd4ef72ba86b78e701a0945c5879ecb1773bed879e928
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x32 Aug. 5, 2018
Listener feedback, Slackware donations, and musings about how the modern Internet is financed. shasum -a256=c834de0372634eebd8b1e085118437df2fc7af018d6733e865ce25a372aa3592
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x31 July 30, 2018
The art and science of software evaluation. shasum -a256=25e59a59c383b6035ab6080cb4b03a3f69bed0e310c6a1cb06cf0a84a8ebcc38
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x30 July 23, 2018
Can you find the PID of a process, then learn what command launched it, and then kill or modify it? Listen to this episode, all about procps-ng, and you will! shasum -a256=f7c8133c830d54e1cef352c5ae3c10ea35dc0f96282f6d18fe4f591cc3afbd6f
12 gnuWorldOrder_12xslack July 18, 2018
Bonus episode! 25 reasons to try Slackware on its 25th anniversary. shasum -a256=8e53bdd8c8ef2fe0922d902cef9eba3821a0dd28016485544da3368dc30fbac7
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x29 July 16, 2018
Slackware packages in the **a** package set. In this episode, **OpenSSL**, **osprober**, **patch**, **pciutils**, **pcmciautils**, **pkgtools**. shasum -a256=91061e59655ee7d2bb0cc6c0a0ca7b3b50197d98844be1e83a30ab7095582967
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x28 July 9, 2018
8 reasons to use Guile from listener @ixn, and a little bit about packaging up a kernel upgrade on Slackware. shasum -a256=2ee7fd6cd7f73944e6e3ba928e267190e70ce81117edab8c541998936af97b6f
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x27 July 2, 2018
A buncha listener feedback, with a few tips and tricks, courtesy of _you_. shasum -a256=8d2f5b6309334078b61e373423bc89bc65c71feb1f73a861de80ecbbbd5505be
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x26 June 25, 2018
Seven reasons you should be using Lua. Procedural programming and anonymous functions. See [Lua for Python programmers]( for examples. []( package manager. Predictable syntax. ` $ python >>> foo = 10 >>> if foo is 10: print("yes") >>> if foo is less than 10: print("yes") Error. ` Arrays, lists, dicts, …
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x25 June 18, 2018
In praise of Nextcloud. shasum -a256=d8b4d641eae0c9d34c01bfd148d41e8720bf12780ebbfd2230a4c4a0776468fa
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x24 June 11, 2018
Listener feedback from Brian, blu3r4d0n, and Josh. A bunch of stuff about Github, Microsoft, trust, and free software. Show notes on
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x23 June 4, 2018
Here's a howto for nmcli.
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x22 May 28, 2018
From the **a** set of Slackware: maketag, mcelog, mdadm, minicom, mkinitrd, mt-st, mtx, (n)compress, and ntfs-3g. shasum -a256=3888b3baa8b2cf58843984251e17afb040758c4cf3343bbe8c0dd0536df63996
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x21 May 21, 2018
How to reduce the size of bloated PDFs. Use this tip judiciously, as it does lossy compression of PDFs, but it might be useful in some cases. Also, pointless Slackware predictions and another LVM tip. shasum -a256=f228b672d0cd405d0ed04162614b85730bf9512819c88807fc0c5c9576fe06c7
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x20 May 13, 2018
F-f-f-Flatpak! an uncomprehensive first impression. shasum -a256=977490f091d45ef976b1d6b7854ed1bc3bdf1432e8c31e4322778e976f1f33fa
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x19 May 6, 2018
Use LUKS for disk encryption. You can even use it to encrypt thumbdrives. It's easier than you think! shasum -a256=f11e5c52e73a4447f9e67ff1ee54825318f5c81e2993f59ecbd0fbb3b370c4bf
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x18 April 30, 2018
A tour of LVM. This show covers setting up LVM manually, which can be useful since often LVM is setup magically during installation. Hopefully, this overview will clarify what LVM does, what it's capable of, and how you can interact with it. shasum -a256=2a9f63775736f2fd58e97e157f5650643986bd55540194ce2f5b1fc216f999b4
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x17 April 23, 2018
Klaatu continues his tour of all the little packages that are installed on your Linux box. In this episode: JFS, kbd utils, kmod, less, lha and lrzip compression showdown, libcgroup, libgudev, lilo, logrotate, and LVM. Since setting up an array of drives often happens when you are installing an OS, …
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x16 April 15, 2018
Why should you use open source for your next project? Klaatu tells all! shasum -a256=1d6fcae49e3e47803f48d1ee51db945d1e5960190fa40066d1f115437b8c4a83
12 gnuWorldOrder_12x15 April 10, 2018
Listener feedback. shasum -a256=1d61524f85971444c75320767e09692ac278242e7aade8a9e5be4543ea6ea419